The solutions included in this family have been developed to increase the efficiency of nutrition, acting at the soil level by helping to release immobilised nutrients, and acting on the root structure to make it more efficient in water and nutrient absorption processes.
This root system reactivator gives the root a real boost, acting at the physiological level and facilitating the formation of a well-structured root.
Facilitates the release of immobilised nutrients, increases the rate of root absorption of nutritional elements and promotes translocation to plant organs.
Promotes the rooting and initial growth of crops in post-transplant situations or in early stages (after seed germination).
Efficiency in the use of immobilised nutrients stimulates vegetative growth and development, resulting in an increase in leaf mass that helps boost the formation of photosynthesised matter and proteins.
Biostimulant that regenerates the absorbent hairs responsible for water and nutrient absorption. Segregation of organic compounds and interactions with soil microorganisms.
Induces cell division and growth, which helps to increase the formation of these hairs, and so greatly increases the surface contact with the soil and hence the absorption capacity and communication with soil microorganisms.